
For Media Enquiries, please contact Nicky Sandler, Head of Communications: or +61 427 385 487

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Together For Humanity in the media

How students can voice their ideas for a diverse and inclusive future, The Educator Australia, Oct 2023

Helping young voices be heard at the NSW Youth Summit, Education Daily, Oct 2023

Diverse youth unite to build a brighter future, The Educator Australia, Oct 2023

The role of schools in helping to shape a more peaceful world, The Educator Australia, September 2023

A framework for world peace: Program builds kids; intercultural and interfaith understanding, The Educator Australia, August 2023

Inaugural Together For Humanity Victorian Youth Summit Aims to Nurture ‘Positive Changemakers’, Education Daily, August 2023

Jewish students make contribution to countering anti-Semitism, J-Wire, July 2023


“We need more than slogans” : Organisation details rising racism worldwide, The Big Smoke, March 2021

Australia Day honours go to A-listers, grassroots community leaders and rabbi, ABC News, January 2020

Our National Director shares his insights and personal reflection on how to respond to bigotry and Antisemitism in schools in this plus61J article.

An expert panel, including our National Director, discussed Interfaith Dialogue and relations on ABC Radio’s God Forbid Program.

Our team presented at the Annual Australian Islamic Schooling Conference. Australian Muslim Times carried this report.

THE Australian government has committed $2.2 million to Together for Humanity to foster intercultural understanding in schools across Australia. This was covered in the St George and Sutherland Shire Leader and the Australian Jewish News.

Our President Madenia Abdurahman and National Director addressed The Problem of Radicalization- what is to be done at the Rotary Club of Sydney. See page 13.

ABC’s The Year That Made Me program interviewed our Chairman, Chris McDiven and our National Director, Rabbi Zalman Kastel.

Our National Director was interviewed on the ABC, Radio National Soul Search Program

Our National Director was one of a handful of Australians to attend a summit on inter-religious coexistence in Abu Dhabi as reported in the Jewish News of Greater Phoenix

One of the new Prime Minister’s first local engagements was keeping a prior commitment to attend a Together for Humanity boardroom lunch at Clayton Utz in Sydney last week as reported in the Australian Jewish News.

Together For Humanity fundraiser 2017.

Together For Humanity Youth Summit brought together students from all over Sydney and beyond as reported in the Liverpool City Champion. 

Our National director, Rabbi Zalman Kastel was recently interviewed on God Forbid ABC RN with James Carleton talking about Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement, principles of coexistence and more.

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