Online Learning
Our online learning platform is a rich, interactive resource to help schools build intercultural capability and strengthen inclusion. Designed by educators, the platform features learning modules for both teachers and students.
Our teacher online content helps educators develop inclusive learning environments, and equips them with the knowledge and skills to address issues of diversity, race, gender equality, bullying, identity, belonging, empathy and more.
Brimming with practical teaching strategies, ideas for engaging students and tips for reaching out to families, all our teacher learning modules are linked to the Australian Student Wellbeing Framework and the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.
Designed for students from Stages 3 to 5, our student online learning is highly interactive and fun!
Students read, watch, reflect, post comments, upload files, complete quizzes and surveys and more. Activities are mapped to English, History, Geography, PDHPE and cross-curriculum areas for the Australian Curriculum and State syllabuses.
Check out our online learning platform HERE.